Saturday, September 6, 2008

Cliff Diving

Cliff diving is a great thing. So is bungee jumping. I haven't really tried out the latter, but the reason I'm promoting and marketing both of them is the same: To take the jump, you need to shut off your mind.

So, what does this have to do with the whole life and philosophical theme of my blog? Humans still exist in this world because we have evolved... part of which is knowing how to keep your ass alive. The brain now has inhibitors, and they (usually) act as anti-crazy gates and stop you from doing something ridiculously stupid like... well, jumping off a cliff :)

Cliff diving teaches you to turn off those inhibitors for that one crazy minute... to "take the jump". In life, there are a lot of situations in which you need to stop being careful and just take the jump. This works in countless situations... from changing your job to making a risky investment to moving to another country... even dumping your nagging girlfriend.

A human is the sum of all the experiences he/she has had. "Taking the jump" lets you have a greater diversity of experiences in life... giving you more fulfilment and making you a stronger, more complete human being.

"I refuse to tiptoe through life, just to arrive safely at death"


Yahya said...

"I refuse to tiptoe through life, just to arrive safely at death" :D

Unknown said...

couldn't agree with you more! being able to turn off subconscious self-preservation instincts and just doing something is simply brilliant... not too sure about the nagging girl friend part though (thats suicide - plain and simple :) )

kAy said...

you know all that is easier said than done.. the whole lets take the risk and what have we got to lose attitude- i admire ppl who can actually live like that.

glad you dropped by my blog after "years" as you put it... made me wonder exactly how long have i been blogging for someone to even say that to me!

Shireen said...

I agree with you whole heartedly...maybe I just take a little too many risks...but then thats the fun of living. Really enjoyed reading your blog. Keep writing!

Abigail Cauchi said...
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Abigail Cauchi said...

Couldn't agree more. Such a perfect way to put it!

Great post... We want more! ;)

Tayyab said...

Wow reading this after 2 years... doesn't even seem like my writing! Thanks for all the comments...

and btw, Bungee jumping: Check! :)